it all started with a lovingly stored matinee jacket & an appliqued` elephant tee.
It really did.
as I sit here tonight, cutting out elephant, after elephant, after elephant
I have to also say it all started with Perth Upmarket.
The first elephant applique` drew so many comments of where did you get that, & then requests of 'could you please make one for me?' that it led me to look into whether this was an option worth pursuing.
with a brand new baby on my lap I surfed the net looking for options & stumbled across the site Perth Upmarket. not really expecting to be accepted, I put together my application, attached my photos & waited to see what would happen... & it happened! I was accepted! & so I set out to create a suitable amount of stock for a novice hand craft marketer. how much? how much?
looking back I realise now how very lucky I was, one of those 'in the right place at the right time' kind of moments.
The first Perth Upmarket was a roaring success.
Exceptionally well organised, so much thought put into it from every angle & such high quality hand crafted goodies everywhere you looked, & then the crowds came.
I had friends who had come in to 'keep me company' who I never even got to speak to because I was run off my feet!
Since then Perth Upmarket has grown from strength to strength. Justine has crafted a hand crafted market so highly regarded that there are now huge waiting lists to be given a stall. Perth Upmarket has drawn rave reviews, from both the retailers involved & the customers who come, hoping to find something just a little unique, & are treated to more than they imagined. The quality of merchandise produced at Perth Upmarket is remarkable, and the variety of stallholders maintained through Justine's policy of rotating the retailers to keep the market fresh & active. Browse through some of the listings on the Perth Upmarket site to get an idea of the diversity or talent displayed at these events.
She has recently expanded to also organise and run a Junior Upmarket, catering to all things, well, junior & is now even being asked to select & co-ordinate stalls for other established 'special event' markets around Perth.
the next Junior Upmarket (where you can find me :) will be held at UWA Winthrop Hall undercroft from 10am till 2pm
& the next Perth Upmarket will be held on 29th Nov at the Town Hall, 10am to 4pm